Ghazal singing in south Asia.

Poets attach great significance and value to ghazal as a medium of poetic expression. Almost 70 per cent of Urdu poetry is in the form of ghazaliyat. Although the ghazal deals with the whole spectrum of human experience, it's central concern is love. In the twentieth century.socio-political problems faced by the society we're also aggressively expressed in the ghazal form. It is primarily the virtue of the ghazals unique thematic structure that brings on its popular appeal. Each couplet has its own complete flavour. The message is therefore conveyed quickly and completely, making it more interactive by involving the audience around it.       
             It would not be wrong to say that the tradition of mushaira flourished in south Asia only because of ghazal goi.with the passage of time ghazal goi became a preferred form of evening music amongst the aristocracy of south Asia. Consequently, the popularity of this form of music made singers  add ghazal to their repertoire and armoury. Entertainment was now double-fold poetic expression of love coupled with the melodiousness of the musical expression; the effect was ecstatic. And ghazal haiku became the high point of our cultural traditions.
             Historically the light classical items we're only the Thumri; then Dadra: Ghazal being the newest style included in this field.
There are some outstanding musicians who over the years, contributed immensely to the refinement of the style of Ghazl Gaiki we know. Singing skill and understanding of poetry play an important role in enriching the overall effect of the performance. Ghazal singing now through courtesy of the great Ustads has reached a level that only the most skilful can take a chance of attempting to sing.


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